Chiropractic adjustments

A chiropractic adjustment, also referred to as chiropractic manipulation, spinal manipulation or manual manipulation, is well known as a popular therapeutic treatment of several issues related to neck pain, mid-back pain, and lower back pain.1 The most important aspects to chiropractic work and the most important to your holistic healing is having your back adjusted. This one thing will do wonders as you switch your treatment from harsh medicines to chiropractic. A chiropractor can also help with pain or pressure that is related to internal parts of the body, such as: Muscles, joints and so on. Chiropractic adjusting can help to treat many different types of pain.

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Causes of back pain

Conditions commonly associated with back pain may include but not limited to: • Inflammation • Muscle or ligament strain • Bulging or ruptured disks • Osteoporosis • Arthritis Common issues that have been associated with back pain may include neck pain, low back pain and persistent headaches. Chiropractic adjustment can help patients that suffer from these symptoms. Pain can be very uncomfortable and get worse if quality care is not taken, especially for chronic pain in specific areas of your body.

Chiropractic care

On your first visit, a chiropractor will inquire about your past health history and may request to perform physical examinations to find out more, particularly about your spine. Diagnostic tests your chiropractor may request to perform include:

  • X-ray tests

After the tests, your chiropractor will develop a treatment plan on the basis of your symptoms and findings:

  • Your chiropractor will position you in a specific way to treat the areas affected
  • More often, you’ll be positioned lying face down on chiropractic table
  • Your chiropractor will apply a sudden and controlled force on affected joint, and push it beyond its normal range of motion
  • You’ll often hear cracking or popping sounds as the chiropractor moves the joints in the course of treatment process
  • Your chiropractor will manipulate your spine using motions and movements that may seem to appear unfamiliar.

In addition, your chiropractor may opt to recommend other treatment therapies to support chiropractic treatment. These therapies may include:

  • Nutritional advice, diet, and other general health advice
  • Massage
  • Exercises and stretches
  • Icing or heat therapy
  • Ways of relaxing muscles and managing stress

Some patients may experience minor side effects that may last for a few days after the chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic adjustments do not generally hurt the patient. However, after chiropractic treatment, a patient may begin to feel soreness or general tiredness in the spinal muscles or joints. The aching or soreness usually occurs within a few hours after treatment and does not last beyond 24 hours. The feeling is similar to what one experiences after a workout. You will feel the muscles adjusting after some time.

These side effects may include:

  • General fatigue
  • Headaches or aching in the muscles or spinal joints
  • Pain in areas of the body that was treated

Drinking a lot of water and applying an ice pack after adjustment will often reduce symptoms relatively fast.

Chiropractic adjustment is generally safe treatment when performed by a trained and licensed chiropractor.

If you suffer from the following, do not seek chiropractic adjustment:

  • Cancer in the spine
  • Severe osteoporosis
  • A heightened risk from stroke
  • Tingling, numbness, or loss of strength in the leg or arm
  • Bone abnormality within the upper neck area that is well known

Tacoma Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques

There are many types of chiropractic adjustment manipulative techniques that may include:

  • Diversified Technique
  • Spinal Manipulation
  • The Activator Method
  • Thompson Drop-Table Technique
  • Flexion Distraction

These chiropractic adjustment techniques can help you to heal successfully. However, the most commonly used technique is the spinal manipulation, which is a high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) thrust.

How Can Chiropractic Adjustments help?

Chiropractic Adjustments can be used to treat the following conditions:

  • According to a published article chiropractic adjustment can help patients suffering from high blood pressure similar to medications. According to this study, the effect of adjustment will last for six months after treatment. Treatment benefits of adjustments for patients suffering from high blood pressure are worth considering. Low blood pressure patients can benefit from adjustments.
  • Patients suffering from neck pain, spinal injuries and lower back pain can benefit from chiropractic adjustments. Surgeries and medication options for treatment of these conditions can be ineffective, expensive and often accompanied by risks. Chiropractic adjustment can significantly reduce or eliminate neck and back pain via the non-invasive technique. Chiropractic adjustment is cheaper compared to medications and is the preferred method of pack pain management.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can be used to treat scoliosis, a condition associated with abnormal spinal curvature that causes abnormal posture, pain, reduced range of motion and affects breathing. Combining chiropractic adjustment and physical therapy can help in the treatment and prevention of the progression of scoliosis in patients.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can help in relieving pressure in patients suffering from sciatica condition due to pressured or damaged sciatic nerve.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can be used to reduce inflammation that is a common cause of pain in the joint tissues, and tension. Reduced inflammation can help in reducing the risk of a patient developing diseases associated with high inflammation such as cancer, heart disease and chronic pain.
  • Migraines and other neck-related headaches can be treated or relieved through use of chiropractic adjustment. Chronic back pain and spinal related issues are major causes of migraine and tension headaches. However, chiropractic adjustment can be effective in the treatment of persistent headaches and other common spine-related issues like neck pain.
  • Chiropractic adjustments can help to improve symptoms associated with neurological conditions by increasing flow of blood to the brain. Adjustments can also help in increasing flow of cerebral spinal fluid. Chiropractic adjustment can significantly help patients suffering from neurological related conditions such as epilepsy and sclerosis.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can help in reducing inflammation in athletes and help them to improve their athletic performance. Chiropractic adjustments can help in the reduction of tension and pain due to sports and activity. Adjustments can also significantly help in reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system of athletes and subsequently improving their performance.
  • Chiropractic adjustments can help in reducing pain and other related issues in the legs, arms, shoulders, reducing stiffness and improving mobility by realigning joints and increasing range of motion.
  • Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful in reducing general back pains and correcting the body’s alignment and its overall physical body functioning.
  • Chiropractic adjustments can help significantly in treating conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system and nervous system
  • Lastly, chiropractic adjustments can be used in complementing traditional medical care.

Chiropractic adjustments can also be used in treating other parts of the body. Chiropractic adjustment can significantly relieve back pains, correct a patient’s body misalignment and improve overall functioning of the body.

General outlook after chiropractic adjustment

Many patients experience almost immediate relief from their pain after chiropractic adjustment. However, chiropractic adjustment goal is calibrated towards the restoration of your health over the long-term, instead of relieving your symptoms over the short-term. Therefore, a chiropractor will try to monitor your progress by asking you about your progress after treatment on issues like your feelings, when you stand, sit, walk and how you sleep during the night. A chiropractor will teach you on how to position yourself at your desk, how to stand and move, as well as when you go to bed and how to incorporate stretches into the patient’s daily routine. These can be invaluable for the patient to help prevent future recurrence of the problem. Learning how to position your body at your desk, when you’re standing and moving, and when you’re in bed – and incorporating stretches into your daily routine – can be invaluable in preventing future problems. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is a great way of improving the various areas of your back pains and general health using inexpensive non-invasive treatment approach.


Back pains due to spinal misalignment are very common and can be harmful to your health than you might have realized. In fact, there is a possibility that you could be having a spinal misalignment right now and bad news, it is possible you haven’t realized it yet! Relax. Don’t freak!

In case you are experiencing symptoms such as back pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or spasms, it’s time you schedule an immediate appointment with us for treatment. Chiropractic adjustment doesn’t rely on surgery or pain medication and seeks to correct the source causing discomfort instead of masking symptoms the way traditional medicine often do.

Routine adjustments for a patient can be an asset in promoting overall wellness even if you are not experiencing acute symptoms associated with pain source or injury. See your chiropractor more regularly to maintain your vertebra alignment and keeping your nervous system in a healthy state.


  1. The American Chiropractic Association: Facts & Statistics about Chiropractic.
  2. Chiropractic Cuts Blood Pressure.